Easy Oven Cleaning Tips

Dirty Ovens Can Cause Fires!

South Yorkshire firefighters found that 40% of South Yorkshire residents had not cleaned their grill or oven out for over 6 months! South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue’s Head of Community Safety, Kevin Ronan, said: “You’d be amazed how many homes we go to where minimum standards of hygiene and cleanliness aren’t maintained, putting residents at a real risk of having a fire that could severely damage their property”.
This is why ensuring your oven is kept clean is extremely important, and it’s so easy to do, follow our simple tips below.
What you need:
- Water
- Cloth
- Spray bottle
- Baking soda
- Vinegar
- Small bowl
The process:
1. Remove the oven racks from inside the oven to begin with.
2. Mix two spoonfuls of baking soda with water in a bowl. Create a smooth paste which can easily be spread over surfaces.
3. Spread the paste in the oven which will turn brown, leave this on for 12 hours.
4. After the 12 hours, use a cloth to wipe out as much of the baking soda possible.
5. Insert vinegar to a spray bottle and spray over the surfaces where you can still see baking soda residue, then wipe off with a wet cloth.
6. Put the racks back into the oven, switch the oven on to a very low temperature for 15-20 minutes allowing the racks and oven to dry.
7. Next, clean the oven window by utilising another paste which you can make again with baking soda and water.
8. Apply the paste to the window and allow it to sit for 30 minutes.
9. Use a clean cloth to wipe the window clean.
Additional tips:
Remove the oven door if possible – refer to the user manual if you’re unsure about how to do this.
Collect the burned bits that have been left in the oven before you begin cleaning.